Look at the smug look on my face... You didn't make the quota did you? You aimed too high and but my company at risk. You thought you had something to prove and now, here we are. Big promises broken, mean big money losses. But being the Boss, with the power that I have... Lucky you, I have the special ability to make things go away. So lets play a little game; You ever heard of "Quicksand"? I know some of the other employees have endured it, and I'm sure there has been talk around the office. No?! Well, good. Because I'd deeply dislike for you to tuck tail and run. All of this confrontation has my feet sweating in these boots. Just watch as I delicately remove the boots and unveil my thick, well worn slouch socks. Now smell them! The start to your punishment; Nice dirty boot socks. Now you get to kiss them. After having them rubbed all over your face, pucker up and KISS THEM! Now, you get to open your mouth, stick out your tongue and lick them. DO NOT DISOBEY ME; If you value your job you'll get to worshipping these feet. Next I'm going to tie you up... IF you can beat the timer and get free, you can forget this ever happened. BUT, if you can't escape, I add another strand. Another. Another! I'm going to gag you with my socks. Tease and berate you. And leave you to think about what you've done to this company while I head out to lunch.
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