Oh, you’ve finally decided to join us. You were hiding in the bathroom for some time. I know you’re a little nervous, but you’ll have to get over that because I am done having miserable sex with you. This black cock you see right here is what I really need. And while you provide emotional stability and financial support, you can’t fuck. Your dick is way too small to suck. I am afraid I am going to gag on it when I try to give you head. I just do not want to pretend anymore. But this hard, black cock is thick and long. I do feel that this will make us grow closer. Watching how I look when I’m actually being please by big huge dick will please you. You might even find yourself enjoying this. If you get hard do not worry, it’s natural to get aroused to me getting fucked by big black dicks. Especially when your cock is nowhere near as satisfying as his.
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