A group of tiny human men are out camping in the woods when a huge Giantess comes across them. They are obviously terrified and screaming as she picks them up and laughs at how incapable they are of fighting back. She humiliates them before picking one up between her huge fingers and swallowing him down in one big gulp as he screams inside her mouth. The next tiny gets placed in her bra, pressed against her huge Goddess breast where he wriggles and tries his best to breath. He's one of the lucky ones though - the next little man tries to negotiate with her but she accuses him of being 'the meanest' of the tinies. She bends over to show off her arsehole and shoves the argumentative little man into her arse head first until he stops struggling. Taking the little men's lives has made this Giantess very wet now - and there are three tinies left to play with. One by one, she places them between her huge folds and slides them down into her pussy. They scream and fight the whole time but she tells them it's only making the whole experience more fun feeling them wriggle and vibrate inside her. She stuffs her giant fingers into her pussy, shoving them deeper inside her body, and then rubs herself until she cums with all the little men still deep in her cunt. Her wet orgasms drown them and she disposes of them like they mean nothing.
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