Hello. I loved your video “God is a Whore,” and was wondering if you could please create this blasphemy custom? While wearing the nun outfit, you begin by telling the viewer they will take part in "blasphemous acts of gooning" which will break his faith. Commanding him to stroke, you say “man created god and what man has created, woman can destroy.” Explaining that much like the viewer’s gooning is an act of rejecting their orgasm, so shall his blasphemy be an act of rejecting heaven. You declare that Jesus is doomed, god is damned and the holy spirit will be denied. While making stroke gestures, you proclaim your breasts as an altar of blasphemy, on which the viewer will sacrifice their faith in god. Commanding him to “slay the lamb” with godless malice, you make the viewer reject Jesus while staring at your breasts. Calling the viewer an ungodly gooner, who has given up the insanity of Christianity.
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