STUFFY IN VIDEO IS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE. READ AFTER DESCRIPTION. You've been away from me so long, and it's Valentine's Day! I miss my babe, and it's the most romantic time of the year. I didn't want you to spend it completely alone so I made you a little something to make you feel like I was with you, and I spent my Valentine's Day remembering your touch. I tell you how much I miss you, and I slowly undress. If you purchase this video and would like the be the ONE special someone to own the little stuffy that I rub my wet pussy on, kissed, and hugged, you can! A little package that comes with 5 Polaroids, signed and kissed with my lipstick, some of my favourite candy and a personalized decorated letter to you from me, one month of my VIP snap*, a pair of used panties that you pick out of the selection I offer, all sprayed with my perfume, packaged with the stuffy and will be sent to you with my love, in the mail. *If you do not have Snapchat, we can replace the Snapchat portion with something more suitable for you. The package is $105 including shipping and is ready, I will just need to write your letter, have you send your snapchat username and buy you some fresh candy (please inform me of any allergies or candy you want from Canada). Ordering the package: Purchase this video, then contact me through one of the below options: Personal message here Instagram (arielxxmfc) Twitter (_arielxxmfc) Tumblr (merbian) Email (lilarielxx@hotmail.com) We will discuss payment options there. I am also exploring whether or not it's possible to sell through manyvids in such a way that it would be impossible to buy the package if you haven't purchased the video. Until then, you must buy it through me. List of everything included: Video VIP snapchat for 1 month Rubbed on stuffy Used panties Personal decorated lipstick kissed letter Candy 5 polaroids, lipstick kissed and signed Sprayed with my perfume Total including shipping and video: $125
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