Enjoy this teaser. A MUST-HAVE FOR TABOO, KINK, VOUYER, AND FEET LOVERS!! I Have been watching her at work for such a very long time. I Found out she worked at the strip club at night and secretly started watching her there as well. I followed her home one night and found out where she lived and followed her inside! I watched her masturbate secretly. I snuck back in the watched her in the shower (it was so nice, seeing all that passion with her shower head and daydreaming of Mr. Right)I watched her masturbate again while she came soooo many times (I almost got caught this time and was super close). This made me so horny that I needed more out of her! After sneaking and watching her in the shower once more I knew I had to make the "big Move"! You see, I am her Tech guy at our day job, and Fixing her issues has always been a problem as she is not a computer savvy person, to say the least, but I am always glad when she calls because I always get to admire her and on that day my focus was her feet.! SHE WORE HER FISHNETS WHICH PUT ME OVER THE EDGE! The smell of her heels drove me completely mad!! I had to do it! So I napped her! I took her home and stripped her down into her fishnets and bound her legs together while putting a vibrator on her sweet pussy. I tore them open and started fucking her perfect soles.! I love the way she arches her toes around my cock and hear her sweet moans as the vibrator pleasured her. After I was done I told her she was staying the night as I have a plan for the next day as I promised I will let go after she plays my game. before she could wake up completely during the morning I gassed her and changed her into a sexy outfit and stockings, Tied her back down and placed a fucking machine at her Pussy and a scarf in her mouth! GAME ON! Her muffled moans really turned me on AS I ENJOYED WATCHING HER GET FUCKED SO BAD!!! ! I then ordered her to fuck a pillow while she spanks her tits and ass. She did so well..... too well..... I think I will keep her!!!... and keep you posted!!!! Included in membership
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