PART 1 (2 minutes) : The scene opens with me in my bed, and you walking into my bedroom, in your robe. Again, your robe is open, showing off your outfit underneath......... ‘That was very close this morning, Gary......If your Mother came into the kitchen and saw me sucking on your cock, we’d BOTH have been fired ! We have to be very careful, next time.’ :-P You point your finger at me, and then smile and walk over to me. ‘Well, Gary, Misha has gone home, and I’m here because the painters finished painting my room today, but the smell of the paint is too much for me to stay in there, overnight. Could I sle ep in your room, just for tonight ?’ I don’t answer right away. ‘If you let me, honey, I will let you watch me get undressed for bed. You can look at my big tits, as I undress, Gary. You would like that, yes ?’ With that, I quickly say, ‘YES’ ! So, you smile, then remove your robe, and stay in your bikini top and panties. ‘Okay, Gary, as I promised, I’ve undressed and here are my tits for you to look at’. So, you show your tits off to me, in your bikini top, for a bit. ‘Now, Gary, don’t get any ideas and behave while we’re both in bed together. I don’t want to feel your hands or your cock on my tits !’ Then, you get into my bed, laying on your side, so I can look at your tits, and we say ‘goodnight’. PART 2 (2 minutes) : Soon, however, I become very active in the bed. ‘Gary, what are you doing....go to sle ep’ DILDO SCENE POV Yet, I continue to be restless in the bed, so you look over at me and see me starting to jerk off. So, you sit up and look down at me and my hard cock. ‘Gary, are you jerking off again ? With me, in your bed ? You shouldn’t be doing that now, you should be trying to go to sle ep.’ I tell you that I can’t help it. I got so excited seeing your wonderful tits, and having them, so close to me in the bed. :-) ‘Gary, I appreciate that you love my tits so much that you want to jerk off to them, but we really need to go to sle ep. I have a long day tomorrow !’ But you can clearly see, it won’t be an easy night. ‘Okay, I can see by your huge hard-on that you will not be getting back to sle ep anytime soon, so..................’ PART 3 (2 minutes) So, you reach over and grab on to my cock, and start to slowly jerk it off. ‘If you won’t be able to sle ep because of your big hard-on, thinking about my tits, then I won’t be able to get any sle ep, either. So tell you what, Gary, I will jerk you off, while you look at my tits, okay ? Then, we can both get some sle ep
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