Lucid Lavender! Imagine you weren't just some loser who jerks off online. Imagine you actually had a wife, and then imagine she was into femdom. That is your dream, to step out from behind the computer and live a true life as a submissive to your hot wife. Sink deep into your chair and your mind, and you can experience this with Lucid in this very sensual, very intimate clip. This is a mesmerize clip and it is full of subtle subliminal whisper tracks. It contains elements of female domination, cuckolding, humiliation, and mindrinsing. Hello husband. How are you doing sitting on the floor here after a long day of work? You know this is how I like you, a submissive little mindrinsed husband. It's nice to come down here after my long day and find you in this submissive position. I find our relationship fulfilling. And you don't need much do you? Just a little release now and then, just a little attention. And I give you that. I allow you to come home after work and just sit here and think and wait for me, because I'm always off doing who knows what. I had a lunch date today, it was really nice, he was really big, strong. And look at you, so small and weak on the floor. Do you think about it sometimes while you're waiting for me? Do you wonder where I am? Who I'm out with? It gets you excited, doesn't it? A little jealous of course, but that jealousy is what makes it so enticing. An emotion you can't fully control. And emotion you don't fully understand, but you think about it, don't you? You think about my hand with your wedding ring on his. Oh don't worry, I take it off when I have sex with him. Does that make you feel better? And all you get is a little release. But you don't want anything more, do you? You don't need anything more. I know you. You're fine with just a little touch now and then, one or two nights a week in bed together depending on my schedule. But you don't mind being alone, letting your thoughts run wild.B ut you have had a long day and I'm in a good mood so.... do you want that release that you are so hungry for? I'll give you that. Take out your cock. Don't touch it. Just look at me in your favorite little black dress, my black pantyhose, my black high heels. I know it's so hard not to touch, so you may stroke it. You're going so fast already, you've needed this, haven't you? You've needed me to be here so you could jerk yourself. Do you just want me to sit here and you can look at me? Or do you wanna hear about my night last night? I didn't come home to you, did I? No. I don't even think I need to tell you any more. I know your thoughts are already racing. Just imagining what I could have been doing. And you were here all alone. I bet you wanted to touch yourself while you thought about it last night but you're so good and submissive so you didn't. You just thought about it. I saw your text this morning asking for permission, too bad I missed it last night. But isn't it nice that you get to do this with me now? Isn't it nice that you're a good, obedient husband? You knew what you signed up for, you knew who I was when we first got married. You knew I can't just stay with one little loser. I need more than that. Oh do you like when I call you a loser? Good cause you are such a loser. So easy to use. And it's not even like I'm cheating when I'm with other men, you allow me to do it. You touch yourself to the thought of it. Maybe I'll send you a video sometime of me getting pounded by someone who isn't you. Do you even remember who you were before this? Before I mesmerized you, before we got in so deep? I remember when you told me you were curious about femdom and you asked me to try it with you. You told me you would love to be fully under my power. Do you remember that or is it just some weird haze in your brain? Do you even remember what you're ok with and what you're not ok with, your boundaries? And you let me push those buttons, you let me twist your little mind around my finger. You wanted to be used. You wanted this. And it's so nice of me to give it to you and continue to keep you right here on the floor with your cock in your hand as you look up at me with those desperate eyes. They're just kind of empty though, like there are no real thoughts floating around. It's just a blur, just a bunch of robotic thinking. I think you're most useful like this. I think this is how you were meant to be. I think we were meant to find each other. I think it was your destiny to be my cuckolded little bitch. My little pet. Go ahead, you can cum. I know you can't do it unless I give you permission, I know your mind doesn't let that happen, your hand doesn't let that happen. It's so entertaining to see you covered in your own little mess. And it's going to stay like this forever.
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