Today was your graduation day? Congratulations, you must be so intelligent! I hadn’t realized, as I’ve been using you only for sex. We must celebrate then! Come close to Me and admire My legs in this new pair of seamed pantyhose from Cecilia de Rafael. As a graduation gift, I’m going to let you touch My sexy, shiny legs. Being your step-mom, I’d like to know something about your fantasies. Are you getting aroused when I spit on your penis? I can see that it’s growing. Do you have a girlfriend? Perhaps you need a more experienced Lady in your life. You didn’t expect to have such a hot step-mom, did you? For your graduation, you get a hot red lipstick kiss on the lips and a HOT handjob from the MILF of your dreams. I’m going to show you how to play with yourself, guide you through your masturbation process. Look how aroused you’re getting! Lay down under Me, I will sit on your face and play with your dick while the pesky guilty thoughts leave your mind.
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