Out of all your flaws, your whiteness is the worst of them. It’s a stain on your persona so big, you’ll never be able to escape it. You’ll never be able to escape the privilege you’re given upon birth as a white man in a world riddled by plague called white supremacy and patriarchy.<br><br> You are a white man, your skin complexion awakens my predatory impulses. You are a white man. Your whiteness alerts my psychosexual manipulation. You are a white man. <br>Your comfort makes you vulnerable. Your privilege makes it easy to take advantage of. Your whiteness must be balanced out with a lifetime in servitude to a Superior Asian Goddess. The more privilege you have, the more you crave to be put down on your knees and be reminded of living Goddesses who deserve that privilege you have, but aren’t given one by the patriarchy because that would make us too powerful. Let your whiteness be tool for my greatness. Let your flaw be a mediator to my glory. Let me ride my way to success on your white fragility. You will be my white horse, you’ll get me higher in this societal system through financial sacrifice. Relinquish your power and give it to me. Sacrifice your financial freedom as reparations to my kind.
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