I enter the room wearing a bra and panties and see you, a tiny girl. My belly is bloated, and I explain I found a group of lost tiny girls and took advantage, stripping and eating them alive one by one. I can still feel them squirming in my gut, and I'm stuffed! I comment that it must be so uncomfortable for them all to be writhing and churning so close together and naked. It will be a long process of digestion for them. I know it's wrong, but I can't help myself. After all, tinies belong in bellies. You start to look nervous, but I reassure you that I'd never eat you... you're my friend! I rub my belly and continue describing how uncomfortable it must be for those girls in there... the only thing they have to look forward to is becoming my excrement. I suddenly apologize, because I don't mean to upset you. It's not all bad! It's what they're good for. I take off my panties and show you my asshole up close, winking it, as I explain that yes, they'll be my excrement, but they're fulfilling their purpose. You haven't calmed down at all, and I'm beginning to second guess our friendship... was I wrong about you? I suppose it's time for you to fulfill your purpose. I take off my top, pick you up, and strip you down while apologizing. I dangle you above my head, tell you it's for the best... tinies belong in bellies. I open my mouth with my tongue out so you get a good view of my throat as I lower you in. 3rd Person POV- I move you around in my mouth as I taste you, then gulp you down. You get stuck at the entrance of my stuffed belly, so I roll my hips to move around the contents of my belly to make space for you. Finally, you squeeze in. Now I'm really stuffed! I apologize, but explain this is all you were good for. You were planning to graduate, get a good job, maybe even start a family... but your fate is to fill my belly and digest with the rest of the tinies in there. It's an agonizing fate, but that's life.
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