Hi, Sweetheart! With the waves splashing ashore on the beach among the deadwoods. I'm holding my pink Pom Poms with my blue nails. Wearing a little pink string bikini. Pulling my bottom aside. I squirt clear for you out my trimmed beaver. Pulling my top down. I give my massive 40M's a Pom Poms workout for you on this, warm sunny, camel toe day. Shedding my wedge heel flip flops for some bare foot play. With my arms overhead. My tits flop about in the sea. I turn to wiggle my southern charms. Bearing my ass from my backside. Giving you amazing views of my boobs from up under my arms. Facing you again. My trimmed beaver will be in full view. Hump it close ups of my cheerleading from the right and left sides. Cheers Sugar, Sarah P.S. Darling, after my movie ends. I'll treat you to an additional 82 photo musical slide show of me in more udders delights! So, the actual video length is 7 minutes 32 seconds with another 6 minutes 49 seconds of Caribbean steel drum musical slide show!
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