Seems lately everyone has had a turn beating on Jerry, so Cheyenne wanted at him next. She wastes no time in dishing out a nasty beating for the scrawny ginger. She weakens him up a bit with a head scissor, and grinds him down with her powerful thighs. Poor Jerry never stands a chance against the trained fighter. She squeezes him out, and makes him submit over and over again. She works him into a wickedly nasty boston crab, working her ass further and further back until she is nearly bouncing on his head! Jerry is begging for mercy, but finding none from Cheyenne! She decides to squeeze him nicely with a debilitating RNC! Jerry's eyes bulge out of the head as she squeezes him tightly!!! Finally Jerry gives up, and Cheyenne kicks him to the mat so she can take her victory pose on his totally wiped out body. This gets rough
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