Request: At the beginning of the video, show your face first. Afterwards, first show your uvula in the relaxed form. Only move your uvula using only your voice by saying long "ahhs" and "ehhs" and short "ahhs" and "ehhs" and possibly add some singing (or some pitch changes if you can't sing) in there as well while your mouth is open. Make sure you keep your tongue down, flat and in your mouth, have excellent lighting in the back of your throat and your face as well, and have both the entire upper and lower lips in the picture, and no bgm (background music) in the video. After showing your uvula for the entire video, show your face again at the end of the video. Before showing your face, make sure you make one last long "ahh" before showing your relaxed uvula one last time, and then show your face at the end of the video. -- Info, requests and more.. contact me! You can see my email address on the top of the page.
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