There is new staff at Casa Danger, her name is WonderHussy. Her first time at the house I am sure to show WH my prized shoe collection, where she will spend much of her time dusting all the shoes I doesn't wear. WH is to taken with my shoe collection she makes the mistake of saying that she would do ANYTHING to be able to just try on such amazing shoes but she could never afford them. So... I decide I will let her try them on, if she worships my feet. She has no idea exactly what that means but she is open to anything! Especially when I tell her that if she does a good job I may send her home with a sexy pair of shoes all her own! She gets to work as I instruct her on how to properly worship my feet, and she learns fast! Once she proves that she will be attentive in her service to me I allow her to wear a pair of my Christian Louboutin's while she finishes cleaning the house! isn't she lucky?! Kayla Jane Danger
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