I've put together a special video for you today. Will it be a RIP-OFF or not? I won't be the one to decide that, you won't be the one to decide that, the cards will decide that. I have prepared 4 cards, 4 aces. If the ace of hearts comes up, you'll see me completely naked, all of me, uncensored. You will be able to see my candid body, my tits, my legs, my pussy. If the ace of clubs comes up this video will be a ripoff. If it comes out the ace of diamonds you can see my beautiful tits without any censorship! If the ace of spades comes up (pray it doesn't come up) this video will be a double RIPOFF. In addition to getting a big fuck you will have to pay a penalty. Are you ready to play? I am. I'm very excited. 1,2,3 GO!
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