Did you get this video and you like it? I would very much appreciate a review from you if you have a little bit of free time! Not many people leave reviews and they mean a lot to me, thank you in advance! Story:: A girl is trying to escape cops who somehow have found out about her location. She is looking for a place to hide. You sle.ep in your bed and are suddenly woken up by an intruder. She introduces as Harly Quinn and feels super at home that she forgets that she is in your house. She proceeds to take of her clothes which served her as disguise. You are quite perplexed at the beginning but you start to feel less shy as she begins to tell you the story of how she is being chased by cops. She gets down to suck your dick like it's no big deal. You enjoy being dominated by a rebel like her. You even try to get out of the submissive zone and fuck her for a while just so she can disapprove of that and ride you like there's no tomorrow. She indulges in a sweet pleasure and edges you. She finishes first so that you can cum on her sweet face. She is over the moon after she had relieved her stress so she just leaves leaving you with a lot of thinking to do.
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