I'm your older step-sister who is also the head of the most popular sorority on campus. I'm friendly at first, promising to take care of you and inviting you to my sorority to hang out. You're nervous but come anyway. Once we're inside, I become increasingly more sadistic and devious. I've always known that you thought I was pretty and it's hilarious what a little simp you are. Now that we're far away from home, I'm really going to fuck with you. I instruct you to strip and stroke. You're going to be a live in servant at my sorority house, completely nude, serving us at our beck and call. It's going to be so embarrassing being a naked little bitch, doing whatever the girls want. Your body is now property of the sorority, as are your balls. You're going to be edged over and over and never get to cum, not even a ruined orgasm. Not a single drop of cum for the rest of your life. At the end of every month, we will all vote on whether you've earned a release, but knowing us, we'll usually vote no.
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