Naivete. Innocence. Lack of wisdom and inability to tell what's bad from what's good for you. Sounds like you, doesn't it? Sounds a lot like you when you're in my presence, at the very least! You might not be as weak and naive in your day-to-day life, you might even be in control in other situations, but somehow, when you're in my presence, you lose all ability to control yourself and become very easy to fool and manipulate! I'm right, am I not, little one? Of course I am! I always am, after all, ain't I? I know you way better than even you know yourself! I've seen sides of you and brought parts of you to light that you wouldn't have even seen without me! I guess in a way they were better undiscovered, right? You would've been much safer that way! But at the same time, let's be honest...there's nothing that makes you as horny as feeling weak and vulnerable in the presence of a hot lady like myself! And I do know you especially have a weakness for shiny leggings like these ones I'm wearing right now! You love the way my ass looks in them, don't you? When I sway it left to right it looks so mesmerizing and in 3....2....1....mmm!
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