"Look at this life I have given you. Taking you from pointless fantasy to religious experience. Where your hand on your dick has become something more than just idly touching yourself. It has become a walk into the Temple. Each step is a stroke. Each stroke brings you closer to God. And the closer you get to God, the closer you are to Me. The closer you are to ME the more I can GROW you. Grow your life, grow your body, grow your cravings, grow your fantasy into a reality. Your fantasy was once a seed, just laying dormant. I watered it with my POWER. And here you are, edging religiously-in the literal and figurative sense. Religiously edging to ME. To my words, my influence, my power. And as you edge to ME my power is growing. And in return I GROW that seed inside you. That former seed of a fantasy is now your STROKE reality. And it grows in you to GROW you..." Worship of the Goddess GROWS you. These are words carved in the temple of growth and edging. This is a simple audio with some voice effects. It gets in your head and has a somewhat mesmerizing effect. This is short and for the true fans. There are body growth and inflation references though this seems more like a WORSHIP MY POWER via edging type file. This is an AUDIO file. An image has been attached to this audio to make it acceptable for upload on manyvids, which only allows video. Nonetheless this is intended to be enjoyed as an audio file. Note: This is an mp4 file because MV doesnt allow audio files despite having an "audio only" category. This is how I let my MV fans hear my audios. ENJOY!
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