The door opens and I come in with an overcoat on, I tell you that I was sent from an escort service by some friends of yours as a birthday gift. I take off the coat to reveal my one-piece underneath. I model this for you and make sure you see how sexy I look in it. I tell you to take a seat for me. I come closer and tell you you're allowed to kiss and then we can begin. As I lean in towards you I grab a rag from behind my back and quickly press it to your face, knocking you out cold. I get my phone, call my employer and tell them I got in. I wish I didn't have to keep doing things like this, they always make me dress up in these silly outfits and I always seem to get caught and tied up. I remember I'm here to do a job and ask where the files are kept. I go to the draw they mention, making sure to check that my new friend is still out. I take some pictures of the important files and send them. I let my boss know it's all done and now I'm getting out before he wakes up. I grab my coat and start towards the door when I suddenly hear a noise behind me. I turn around and he's awake! Since you didn't seem interested I decided to leave. You notice the open draw and ask me about it. I deny knowing anything about it. You pull a gun on me, not believing me. My hands go up and I drop my coat. What are you doing? I get told to move into the bedroom, I comply and you get a good view of my ass as I walk away. So I don't get away, I'm tied to the bed with my hands tied together to the headboard and legs tied together to the bottom of the bed. I've been left alone to struggle. I don't know why I agree to do these jobs anymore. I always get caught and tied up. I need to find a way to get loose. After a while of struggling I manage to get loose and quietly sneak into the other room. I find my phone and call my company. I tell them I got caught and tied up ,of course, but I'm free now and I'm going to get out. They need to send backup just in case. I grab my coat again and sneak to the front door. I'm nearly out when you appear out of nowhere. I beg him to just let me go but the gun just comes back out. I know there is no use in arguing so I walk back up the stairs with you following close behind me. I'm then shown tied up standing against the door. My hands tied above me and my ankles tied together. I have also been tape gagged so I can't call for help. You get a good view of my body whilst I'm helplessly tied up in front of you. I'm then left alone in the room to struggle helplessly. I have no way of getting loose as the ropes are tied so tightly.
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