ATTENTION BLACKMAIL-FANTASY BITCHES-FAGGOTS IN TRAINING-SISSIES IN TRAINING-PANTY WEARERS-CHASTITY SLAVES-SUBMISSIVE SLAVES-SISSY SLUTS- COME ONE COME ALL. IT IS TIME TO PROVE YOURSELF. You are just one tiny cog in the powerful machine that makes me a goddess.. A leader. An Alpha female that loser flock to beg to submit to. Follow my demands. I make your decisions. I control your every move. You can't resist following my instructions. There is no telling me no. That words is not even in your vocabulary when it comes to me. You are going to follow my instructions in this clip and dig yourself even deeper in the hole you have already gotten yourself in. There is no escaping. No turning back. Sissy? Faggot in training? Slave? FinDom? Jerkoholic? Small Penis ?Chastised? Blackmail-fantasy Bitch? It doesn’t matter what pathetic category you try to put yourself in. You are still not getting out of this today. I will give you a very specific link that will allow you to send me an email with a picture. The catch is that you will only have a certain time frame to do it in. You need to be put in your place and reminded of WHY you are mine. Remind you that I doing what I demand of you is all that matters. It is MY happiness that you care about. You can not tell me no. Losers don’t have the backbone to do that and we both know that you are definitely a loser among all the other things you consider yourself to be. All of the instructions are explained in this clip and you must do as instructed.
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