Great, you're coming to it. Do you know where you are? You are at a special medical clinic for prisoners. You were brought here for state-funded reformation. The warden said to reform you by any means necessary. I took it upon myself to remove your manhood. That's right, you have been physically and chemically castrated. You no longer have your testicles or penis. I have found that removing men's genitals has resulted in lower levels of aggression and a better overall mood. You were never consulted about this decision. You are a ward of the state after all. I decided for you. Prisoners don't get to have their cocks. You will never be able to masturbate or fuck again. This is what you deserve. Feel between your legs, you're like a Ken Doll now! Now relax, I don't want you ruining my work. You have to heal up after all.
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