This was a custom request: (You just got rid of the traitor henchman, it was a bit tough as he give you a fight, but you were stronger and put him down for good as you come to the toilet and need to dump urgently, wearing a tight skirt and pink top, one of your boobs is out from the top, showing how much of a fight it was but you didn’t care to put it back, you just need to dump, you take down your panties and sit “ahh that’s it..i sit” you look around only to find that it’s no reading material here, fuck you need some occupation so you get up to retrieve your phone, in case you have new order and a magazine for passing the time while dumping, and sit back “ooh yeah...I sit back now here we go” you said as you read and start to push and it comes out quickly, “ ohh it’s coming” you said in the process as it splash down, the relief is delightful “ohh fuck me that's good” you exclaim. you just want to a dump in peace, and enjoy your time right now as you also commenting a bit the news until you find an article about an lawyer body was found, ironically wondering what’s happened to him with an evil smirk. Stay here dumping and reading a bit more until you are done..wipe flush and leave. Ps: Hidden microphone behind the toilet seat. Katherine De Vil Key words: Toilet Fetish, bloated belly, observer, watcher, ASMR, splash, ploops, flush, observer, peeing, pee, skirt, jeans skirt, pink top, voyeur, fantasy, voyeurism.
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