Did you get this video and you like it? I would very much appreciate a review from you if you have a little bit of free time! Not many people leave reviews and they mean a lot to me, thank you in advance! Story: I am bored in my room when I find out that Mommy is not going to be home for a while. A little ashamed I start playing with myself when I remember that Daddy is home. I sneak on him in his office just to notice him jerking off. I recored a video of him so that I can rematch it later. Unfortunately, he notices me. He doesn't want me to play with his cock so I blackmail him. If he doesn't impregnate me, I will tell Mommy about everything. He comes to my room and I beg him to deepthroat me, fuck my ass and my 18 year old pussy with a lot of switching from ass to pussy and from ass to mouth so that I can fill me pussy up with my ass juices and taste my pussy. Daddy finally creampies me so that I can become a Mommy.
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