Susan is found at home by two rescuers. The two approach and realize that her heart is not beating. Resuscitation begins with chest compressions and AMBU. After several attempts they decide to use the defibrillator, then they discover the girl's chest and begin to discharge several times, but to no avail. After other attempts by her Susan seems to move, but her heart still does not beat and her maneuvers resume. After other defibrillations, her heart starts beating again and the girl recovers. She stays awake for a short time, her breathing becomes labored and her heart stops beating again. The maneuvers resume and, despite some movement, Susan does not recover. It will take many resuscitation cycles, and when her hopes seem lost, Susan recovers and is transported back to the hospital. To be contiued ... Chest compressions, defibrillator. Various camera angles. Only topless
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