My step-mom is not much older than I am which makes for moments of awkwardness around the house. I could see myself very easily staring at her a little too long at the most inopportune moment. I like how mature she is for her age and the fact than I get to hear her and my step-dad go at it like rabbits in the next room. I've beat off many times to her sexual sounds and wished she were making them for me instead of my step-dad. Lately my step-dad has been working long hours and I can tell it's affecting my step-mom. She called me in their bedroom to ask me if I knew why my step-father was really keeping such long hours. In her mind it absolutely had something to do with the new secretary of his and her gigantic breasts. My step-mom has small breasts from what I gather by the clothes she wears. I'm personally not a fan of huge breasts and believe more than a mouthful is wasteful. My step-mom began asking me if her breasts were too small. She wondered if she should get a boob job to make my step-dad show interest in her again. She placed her hands on her tits over her clothes and squished her flesh and caressed herself as she asked what I thought of her breasts. I could feel my dick beginning to swell and hope she wouldn't notice the bulge forming in my pants. She was so caught up in her concern over her breast size and my opinion that before I knew it she had removed her clothing and her bra to reveal her beautiful small breasts to me. My dick immediately swelled to it's capacity and this time she did notice. She also determined it would be to both our benefit to take care of this engorged dick of mine. She asked me to lie down on her bed so she could stroke me off. I didn't hesitate one moment to get my cock cranked by her skilled hands. In my nervousness I somewhat lost my boner but so what if my step-dad happened to possibly come home from work early and catch me in his bed? My step-mom was enjoying the fact it was because of her that my cock grew. I wasn't going to stop her from doing something she felt would make her feel better. She exclaimed how much she has always wanted to play with my young cock. I think the combination of my nervousness and that is was my hot step mom's hands on my private parts made my dick a little shy but workable. She patiently stroked and rubbed me to a deeply satisfying orgasm. Soon as I gave her my hot load she giggled and only thing she could manage to say was for me not to tell my step-daddy. Uh, I'm pretty sure there is no way in hell I would tell my step-dad his wife cranked my cock in his bed. I may be young and barely legal but I'm not that stupid. Starring: CeCe Stone
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