Your step daughter Jessica has been using your credit card and you are concerned. She does not think that it is a problem because it makes her happy to spend your money. You do not think that $300 for shoes is a good idea, but Jessica disagrees. In fact, Jessica is willing to help you to jerk off today if you will overlook her spending habits where your credit card is concerned. Quickly you agree to this arrangement and you unzip your pants. She takes off her top and then her tight denim shorts. Jessica likes how you stroke off. Her pussy is hairy – just how you like it. You wonder how she learned about telling a man how to jack off, but you keep your hand firmly on your shaft as she purrs her instructions to you. She tells you to stroke your dick like you were going balls-deep inside of her pussy. "You want to cum so bad, don't you, step-daddy?" she says. She is such a nasty slut that you are not sure how much longer you can hold in your jizz.
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