Kimberly enjoyed dinner with you and she is ready for a nightcap. Are you? She wants to get right to it, so she asks to see your dick. She is obviously less than thrilled that you are not circumcised. There is no way she is going to suck your dick with that nasty foreskin. Your only option is to jerk off for Kimberly. She will help you along, but she wants nothing to do with that cock of yours. Think about scheduling your surgery soon, but for now, start stroking yourself. Kimberly shows you her very perky titties and that gets you nice and hard. The look of disgust on her face actually seems to be turning you on. She slides her panties off and you look at her pretty pussy while continuing to stroke your dick. As long as you promise to keep your foreskin away from Kimberly, she decides to let you cum anywhere you like. Kimberly Gates
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