The Root Chakra, also known as Muladhara, (derived from two Sanskrit words, Mula meaning “root” and adhara, meaning “support” or “base”), is located at the base of your spine and creates the foundation for all the chakras that lie above it. The Root Chakra is the defining factor for having the ability to live a fully connected and abundant life. It is the “starting point” for developing and maintaining balance. he Root Chakra is the base of our chi energy and acts as the link between the outside physical world and our internal energetic system—it gives us the motivation to get up each day, eat, and procreate. If you spend your time disconnected to self and in turn the world around you, life can become incredibly hard to manage and in turn, enjoy. This Guided Meditation will take you on a journey of discovery, leaving you feeling completely blissed out, happy and free from all worries. Signs your root is blocked: sluggishness colon issues bladder issues and issues with elimination lower back problems left arm, leg, or foot issues inflammation cramping prostate issues If you believe your root chakra is out of balance, this meditation will help bring you back to self.
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