Violet has just returned from her tour of the Chocolate Factory and says that she's brought you back a souvenir. It's Wonka's latest gum, not even out on the market yet. Aren't you so lucky she snagged a piece for you to try? She instructs you to pop it in your mouth and sit back and enjoy all of the flavors. It's a three-course meal and before you know it you are tasting creamy tomato soup, yum! Second course comes and it's even better! Roast beef and a baked potato just the way you like it! Violet's face starts to change as she tells you that dessert is next, and you can see that she can barely hide her excitement. Suddenly you start turning blue! She starts to explain that she had the same thing happen to her at the factory and now wants you to have the same experience. You start to expand rapidly and grow into a big plump blueberry and Violet can barely contain her lust for you. She's always loved fat guys and she's gotten you to the size of her dreams in no time with Wonka's special gum. Don't panic, she's going to try to "juice" you now. But don't be mad if she's not able to get you back to your original size.....
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