Your boss has suddenly called you into her office for a very important meeting regarding your conduct at work. It seems you’ve been seriously slacking and your little performance meeting quickly turns into your dismissal. Shocked and terrified at the prospect of losing your job, you drop to your knees and begin to beg your superior for ANY position at the company she can spare you. She laughs as she points out that the blinds are open for any and all to witness you groveling for work, but you are unfazed and keep pleading for your job. Suddenly, an evil smile appears on her face and she declares that she just might have a completely new position in mind that is suited for you. You will now be working as her own personal office toilet. You’ll be severely demoted and paid the absolute bare minimum for one of the most disgusting jobs she can conjure up. But first, she wants a little trial run to make sure you’re even competent enough to be her new commode…
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