Miss Lace is a student teacher. She is cute and there is one student who is clearly enfatuated with her. So much so that he makes a point of arriving late to her class every day so he can have a lunch time detention with her. Her lunch time detentions are really special. it involves being swallowed and getting a chance to remain in her gut for 20min to think about the consequences of your actions. Today is the last history lesson, it is the end of term and you arrive late as always and you forget to bring your end of year project. All you care about is getting put into miss Lace's gut for 20 min. Miss Lace has finally put 2 and 2 together and realised that you are getting on trouble on purpose. She has a word with you and her stinky coffee breath, up close makes you hard. she is flattered. Lunch time finally comes around and she sits and eats a stinky stilton cheese sandwich, showing you her dirty mouth and breathing all over you. She pops you down her throat and eats some more of her stinky sandwich and coffee to wash you down. hmmm it has been a long term she is tired so she takes a nap in the staff room and over rests. you have been in her digestive system for too long, there is no hope in bringing you back. luckily for Ms lace teaching in a mixed size school, all tiny families are required to sign a waiver form. All tinies go to school knowing that one of the giant students could accidentally step on them. This time Miss Lace got away with it.
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