Did you get this video and you like it? I would very much appreciate a review from you if you have a little bit of free time! Not many people leave reviews and they mean a lot to me, thank you in advance! Story: I come back home after a party and I need to pee badly. You, my brother, act like a jerk and won't let me in. You are occupying the bathroom and laughing at me. Suddenly I hear you moaning. It turnes out that my desperation has got you horny. First I call you names for being disgusting but then think I will just help you cum as I hope to use the bathroom after you have drained your balls. I encourage you to stroke fast but you aren't fast enough. I end up peeing my pants. I feel relived and realise how sexy it all is. I get horny myself and beg you to cum on my face which you happily do.
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