Some people worship invisible, intangible entities up in the skies. Prophetic men who might have never existed. You? You are a devoted worshipper of my ass. And does that make you a perverted freak? Maybe. But you can see this ass, in all its glory. You can see it clear as day, and you can see your purpose in worshipping this ass. Nothing is clearer than the fact that you belong to this ass, you obsess over this ass to the point you dream of it. You pray to it. You think of it when you need guidance. And it mesmerizes you, it makes you weak, it keeps you faithful, it keeps you addicted. You don't need church to go to, you just need your computer screen to be a devout, religious Thea ass worshipper. There is a task in the clip. Purchase the clip. Execute the task. Send me proof. And pray with your stiff cock in your hand. Follow me on Twitter @ Thealogic, clip auto-tweets @ worshipthealogy and the drone cluster @ thxcluster and don't forget to tribute to thank me for this delicious clip!
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