Thinking about it, if I were given a choice on eye colour, I'd probably say I liked brown eyes the best. That's not saying I don't like other eye colours, it's just that brown is the one that melts me the most. There's something quite beautiful and mysterious about dark eyes. I also probably prefer dark hair however the contrast between blonde hair and brown eyes can really be sexy as well some times. I think eyes and tits are probably the first two things I notice. Tits you can notice from miles away way before you even get close to seeing any eye colour so that's probably the initial attraction. So if she has an awesome set of tits from a distance and you manage to get up close and see the eyes and they're really pretty - well, this is the kind of shizzle that makes me all dizzy like. And if perchance she turns around and her ass and legs are also gifted from the gods then it's time to just scoop her off the ground caveman style and have your very wicked way with her Talking of caves, it was at cave that I noticed the wonderful Alana Chase. She was on some sausage sizzler looking after a bunch of girl guides. They were all singing (badly) round the camp fire and telling (very lame) ghost stories. I had the notion to freak them out a bit as I was bored with all this famous five shenanigans - being invisible can allow you to be quite mean sometimes in this way - but I didn't. Instead I stole a grab bag of monster munch from their supplies and rested back on a rock deciding to hold on till the next day and follow the beautiful blonde Alana Chase back to her humble lodgings. The night was pretty uneventful apart from me pissed on by one of the girl guides who decided to take a wizz next to the rock I was resting. I'm not really into being pissed on so it was a bit of a rude awakening let me tell you. This of course is the flip side of being invisible - it's not all fun and games you know! - sometimes you get pissed on. They all looked a bit worn in the morning which made me wonder whether anyone ever really enjoys camping or is it just for show to try and give the impression that you're wild at heart and at one with the forest or some such shiz. Anyway, I followed Alana back and watched her drop the guides off to their homes from the back of her converted transit van. Finally we were on our own - or at least she certainly thought she was on her own - mwah ha ha ha ha haaaaa! Time to see this beautiful slim blonde haired babe get naked. What an amazing body she had - so slim, tanned and toned! She wondered around her apartment with her blouse open at the front and I could see 2 small but perfectly formed tits peaking out plus some lovely bumpy erect nipples - YUM! Buy her video now to see what Steaky saw - the ambrosial Alana Chase get nude just for you!
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