If you're familiar with Daisy Rae you're familiar with hot ticklish her feet are, as we have shot several together so far, so I know her soles quite well. This was actually a custom shoot, whereby the purchased wanted her on the Tickle Table, ballgagged, and tickled in sheer nylons for the first half. Partway through (after she already broke a big toe out from kicking and squirming!) they are ripped open, and her big toes bound (probably the most solid toe bondage I've ever done - be seeing more of that in the future) - and her bare feet are attacked. What makes this video different from the rest, is that she understood going into it, there was no Safeword being implemented. The only thing used were my fingers. The. Entire. Video. The only pauses were when I ripped her nylons to bind her toes, and when I applied oil. The camera work is 99% focused on her feet alone. I show you her restraint during opening, but the vast majority of the clip has her feet up close and personal, with my fingers scribbling, digging, probing...while she laughs through her ballgag. Best part? You hear her ask through her gag at least twice, "Are we done?" No. We weren't.
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