The custom request: You call an exterminator because you sense that there is some sort of vermin in your house. With the descriptions you give about what's going on in your house, the exterminator tells you, you have a Gremlin infestation. Gremlins are invisible little creatures who pull pranks and set traps throughout the house. As you talk to him on the phone you don't realize your shoelaces are tied together, you then being to wobble and fall backwards onto a nearby chair. As you continue to talk, a bucket suddenly falls onto your head. You try to get up from the chair but realized the seat was covered in glue. You remove the bucket, the same time you get off from the chair but the glue tears the seat of your pants right off, revealing your butt and Reptar panties. The next day you try to take care of it yourself, searching around for this creature. As you crouch and look for it, your underwear pokes out from your pants. This gives the Gremlin ample time to grab onto to your waistband and give you a monster wedgie. You are soon in a tug of war as the gremlin tries to pull your underwear one way and you brace yourself trying not to let it take you away. Your underwear stretches ridiculously until it eventually gives way and tears right off of you. You grab your butt in pain. The final day you've had enough and now your marching around your home with a weapon ready for a fight. You raise your weapon over your head ready to strike but it unfortunately leaves you vulnerable and open. The gremlin strikes grabbing your shirt and pulling it over your face making you blind and revealing your chest. You stumble around trying to fix yourself. Unfortunately again the gremlin strikes and pulls your pants down, revealing another embarrassing pair pf cartoon panties and your dorky socks that go up to your knees. You stumble around in this embarrassing state until you trip over bed/couch and get knocked out with your butt in the air and underwear for all to see.
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