I’m staying in a nice hotel :) I’m wearing a white vest, my shapely legs and my cute little feet are bare, and I’m lovely and snug in a soggy Pampers. As I stand at the sink and brush my hair, you get a great view of my legs and the back of my tight Pampers. As I’m brushing, I can feel that my bladder is ready to go again, and I’m delighted when a warm stream suddenly flows into my plastic! The new layer of moisture goes right on top of the first, and I can feel my Pampers getting heavier around me :D But I don’t stop what I’m doing, and just allow nature to take its course as I carry on making myself look pretty. When I’m finished spraying, I can’t resist shaking my hips to make my full Pampers slosh and squelch. Well, it would be rude not to ;)
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