Your daughter has come to stay with you for a week and you've been worrying that she would be annoyed about having to share a bed with you, but in fact she's pleased! She tells you she's just happy to be spending time with her daddy, and this means even more time together! She insists that if you've developed any particular habits from living alone, then you should stick to them and not let her disrupt your routine... You're not sure what she means, so she tells you she's talking about masturbation, silly! She says that lots of people who live alone do it every night before bed, she certainly does, and she wouldn't want you to skip it and feel backed up the whole week... You ask if she's sure and she reassures you, saying you can both do it now and then you'll rest a lot better! You begin shyly touching yourself as your daughter does the same, and although you're trying not to look at her you soon catch her watching you! She apologies and says it's only that she's always wondered what you would look like doing this... Is that weird?? You tell her not to feel bad, it's strange to admit but you've actually thought about her touching herself as well, and wondered what that would look like... You both agree that watching each other is okay, it's not like you're touching at all or doing anything wrong - so you lie next to your daughter and watch her play with her pussy as she tells you how wet it's making her to finally see her daddy's cock....
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