Ugh. Your Mother... she irritates me. I don't normally after a workout, but I can't help it. Look, I'm her sister and I get that she can tell me what she feels like she can tell me, but some of the stuff she says is just unnecessary. We were working out at the gym, and she stops what she's doing, stares right at me - out of the blue - and tells me I need to stop fucking "k*ds". I couldn't believe it! I can date whatever age group I want, and it's not like I'm dating TOO young. Let's be honest though, young cock knows what it's doing! She's really missing out on that. She's not properly getting fucked with that old... Well anyway, you must know what I mean. I'm sure you like older women, because who doesn't want someone with experience? And for me, I have the experience... I just love the feeling of someone inside me who can't help themselves - they can't help but EXPLODE at just the feeling of a hot... wet... cunt... wrapped around them
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