**Part of the "Whispering in your Ear" Audio Series. This is an mp3 file.** PORN is your only sexual relationship now. A pornoholic sex life. No pussy, no dating. No trying to get laid. Just you and porn in a "relationship." And it is the most fulfilling relationship you have ever had. PORN always accepts you when you are horny. Porn never tells you NO. Porn loves all your crazy fantasies that everyone else tries to say are weird. PORN is the girlfriend you have been waiting for. Put a ring on her finger and vow to only have a relationship with porn from now on. PORN is the girlfriend who always spreads her legs for you. PORN is always there, 24/7, waiting for good times. And the only thing PORN ever asks for in return? Your complete, undivided attention. PORN is your whole sex life now and she is the only one who deserves you. You and PORN, together forever. I whisper in your ear and train you via your subconscious. Your mind soaks up everything I say. end result? YOU REJECT SEX and ONLY have a pornoholic sex life. No pussy, no dating. No trying to get laid. Just you and porn in a "relationship." TRAINING you to reject sex and become a permanent hand humper. This audio is not actually humiliating. But the OUTCOME (you addicted to porn and never fucking women) will be. If you are a pornohlic, a pornvert, are pornosexual, a jerkaholic, pussy denied, a sexual reject, a betabitch, need loser training, then this is for you. If you are in the sexually denied lifestyle or pussyfree club then this is for you. This is an AUDIO file. An image has been attached to this audio to make it acceptable for upload on manyvids, which only allows video. Nonetheless this is intended to be enjoyed as an audio file.
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