Script: In our world are 3 parties organized like a pyramid. On top are the most powerful and ruling Giantesses and Giants. Below them are the s. The mass on the bottom are the humans. If a human is deemed as useful he will not be eaten. If a human is deemed as useless he will end soon as food. The younger people will be eaten by the Giantesses. The older ones usually end up in a slaughterhouse and the meat will be sold to the s. I am a human and I just lost my job and now I received a letter from the government that I need to find a new job within 4 weeks. If not I have to find a Giantess or I have to go to the slaughterhouse. I decided to come to you, a Giantess that lives in my neighbourhood. I know that you are a cruel but smart Giantess. The clip starts when I arrive at your place. You are in the kitchen just cutting some cheese slices or preparing pre-sliced slices as a snack. After I asked if you could eat me, you explain that you usually prefer younger victims. I should go to the slaughterhouse if I can´t find a new job. My deadline is not today but you tell me that I could go to the slaughterhouse whenever I want. I don´t have to wait. The sooner I will walk to the slaughterhouse the sooner it is all over for me. You tell me not to look that sad, you know it is cruel but it is the way it is. There is no escaping it. You tell me that at the moment so many people have to go the slaughterhouse that older ones like me may end in the meat grinder, which is extremely painful but it is a fast death. While talking to me you eat some cheese. You offer to bring me yourself to the slaughterhouse. You love to put people in the meat grinder and switch it on. You love to watch how they end. You would be happy to do it with me. You realize that I am so scared but you don´t care. You really want to end me. Now that you see that I am very scared you lick your lips offer me a deal. If I sign over all my inheritance to you, you would eat me up. You explain that I would have to sign over my inheritance anyway when I register at the slaughterhouse. So why not signing over everything to you? This way you would earn money and I don’t have to end in the meat grinder or on the slaughter block. You show me your big knifes and tell me that you could slaughter me and it would be a very slow and painful end. You think I should sign over everything to you and let you eat me all up. I agree to go this way and you tell me to undress. While I undress you get the paper I have to sign. You tell me not to worry; you will fill out the rest later after you ate me. I am naked now and you grab my dick. You jerk me off, because you hope my old meat will taste better after an orgasm and maybe between the cheeses it will taste pretty good at all. After I cum you shrink me down. You lay me between the cheeses and tell me that there is not a big difference between the grinder and your mouth. Maybe it is cosier to die here instead of the cold slaughterhouse. Anyway I will be dead soon. You devour me with big bites. Before you eat the head with the last bite you say thank you for coming
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