While ivory lounged by the pool you were trying to be a good bitch for her getting her favorite snacks and such. She notices how hard you were working while she tanned and got sweaty in the sunshine. She likes how hard you were working despite how dumb being around her sweating body makes you. You can’t think about anything but her scent. You crave your masters scent. You aren’t even a man, you’re just a little scent bitch, desperate for a sniff of her. She shoves her arm pits and smelly belly button and feet in your face. All you can do is sniff and thank her for the opportunity. You work hard for her attention, hoping for a smell of her body whenever she is generous enough to give it to you. Lucky you her plans were ruined by rain and she continues shoving her sweaty parts in your face. She teases you about her ass, knowing how sweaty and smelly it is, her scent bitch would give anything for a whiff of that. It’s almost too much just knowing you are near her ass and it is sweaty. As you sniff her other parts you imagine it’s her ass. She makes you close your eyes as you sniff and she laughs at you. She reminds you what a scent bitch you are and you have to agree. When you are this overwhelmed by your masters scent, it is easy to give her absolutely anything. Even your dignity. You accept her humiliation happily just hoping for one little whiff of her sweaty asshole.
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