*Part of the "Whispering in your Ear" mp3 Audio Series* Tonight is the night you soak your sheets again. once a bedwetter, always a bedwetter. It is only a matter of time before it happens again. No many how many years it has been, it will ALWAYS happen again. You must prepare for it. You will wet the bed TONIGHT. Bedwetting never really goes away. if you used to wet the bed? You will wet the bed again. It is only a matter of time before you wake up embarrassed, soaked, wondering what to do. you might as well accept your fate and do it now. If you do not wet the bed on purpose you will eventually wet the bed on accident. You don't want that to happen when you are visiting someone's house or are in a hotel room. But it IS going to happen. You are a lifelong bedwetter whether you have accepted it or not. there is no escaping it. You have a weak bladder. You are a bedwetter, a sheet soaker. Accept it. You were never going to be like anyone else. Admit it to yourself. There is no stopping it, only acceptance. Go ahead and Wet the bed tonight. Break the seal. Take back control. Wet the bed tonight. Wet the bed tonight... Humiliating bedwetting acceptance. I whisper in your ear and program you. Once a bedwetter, always a bedwetter and I am getting in your head to make sure you know this. Think of me as the little voice in your head telling you what to do. ASMR whispering and voice effects including light delay for total mental conditioning. There is delay on my voice so these words can echo in your brain as I whisper your reality straight into your mind and subconscious. Headphones are GREAT with this one. This is an AUDIO file. An image has been attached to this audio to make it acceptable for upload on manyvids, which only allows video. Nonetheless this is intended to be enjoyed as an audio file.
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