Pete welcomes a new trainee, the gorgeous Tiffani Taybor! Tiffani is wearing sexy street clothes for her introductory interview with Pete. Tiff discloses having seen a live stage-show on a cruise, which she found "hilarious." She lights up when Pete mentions our ability to produce touch-free orgasms. Head Trainer Mark enters to find Tiffani in a black-and-white striped trainee bikini. Tiffani says she enjoyed the prep work she did with Mark. Mark brings out the giant crystal and has Tiff under his spell in short order. Mark has Tiffani stare ahead blankly, then takes her deeper. Tiff says to the camera that she feels happy being trained. Mark prepares Tiffani for Pete's return, including a suggestion that she remove her bikini top. Pete gives Tiff a catch-phrase to recite when asked how she is doing. Pete makes Tiffani think she was the star subject in the live stage show she saw. Tiffani describes the demonstrations she thinks she did in that show. Keeping with the stage-show premise, Tiff finds herself speaking in chicken when triggered. Pete talks Tiffani out of her bikini bottom. Tiff is surprised when a peck on the cheek from Pete feels orgasmic. Our couch gets slightly wet in the process but Tiffani promises to return for more
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