"<p><img src=""http://www.misskelle.com/C4S/images/kellecustoms.png""></p> <p>I love to erotically tease you, but I think one of the most erotic teases is when you can’t do anything about it! So first, you’re going to slip on your chastity cage, you’re going to go somewhere public – a department store, the gym, driving around in your car, or going on a walk around the neighborhood. It doesn’t really matter where, as long as you’re somewhere in public and all locked up. Then, you’re going to turn on this audio, listen to me sensually tease you with my soft voice about all of the filthy things you could be doing right now. The more people that are around, the more worked up you get as I tell you about my slow, passionate blowjobs, the way my hand feels around your cock, the way my pussy tastes, kissing my ass, or even fucking me hard. I’m going to make you think about all those filthy things while you can’t do anything about it and that’s just going to turn you on more!</p> "
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