I have laid out my Little One’s princess changing mat on the bed as I have noticed his bright pink diaper is full; he has had a humiliating accident inside his diaper! My Diaper Boy approaches me; paci in mouth and dressed in a pink romper, he has fully regressed into his new diaper life. I tell my Diaper Boy that I need to change his diaper as I can smell it, and he nods understanding the task at hand. I release the clasps on the romper to give me access to the wet diaper. I peel off each diaper tab individually and my Diaper Boy thrusts his hips in anticipation to be released from his damp diaper prison. I remove the diaper from under his body and I immediately smell a whiff of wee! The diaper is heavy with absorption and I see the yellow stain on the padding from his little accident. I wipe his groin with wet wipes to ensure he is nice and clean in preparation for the fresh diaper. When I present the new neatly folded diaper, he doesn’t want to wear it! He continues to argue so I secure a paci gag around his head, to ensure his silent compliance. I offer to put him back in the dirty diaper, and as he shakes his head at this, I remind him of the clean, fresh diaper, which he agrees to wear! I remind him that not wearing a diaper is not an option. I push his legs in the air to expose his bottom and I lay the fresh diaper underneath him. I peel and apply each tab firmly to ensure he is tightly enclosed in his fresh pink diaper. Finally, I secure the romper around his bottom to keep everything secured! A successful fresh and clean diaper change for my Big Diaper Boy.
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