THIS WAS A TEST VIDEO filmed ages ago trying to figure out angles and camera settings. PLEASE TREAT THIS AS SUCH! I just found this cleaning up folders and was about to delete then figured hey... why waste it. Perhaps someone out there finds some joy out of this, it's just me in old sweatpants, walking around with heels that are size or two too big haha, also it looks like it was filmed after that shaving video I have up because my legs have fresh razor burns ugh I do have red nail polish on my toenails though but this was clearly not meant to be a "real" video just testing for future. I really do want to film a´bimbofication transformation from scruffy milf or geek etc onto a bimbo but daym vanilla life keeps demanting my full time and attention bah humbug. The one good thing about this video is that the lights look like it was summer time so there was some natural light.
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