Inspired by the only scifi-fantasy show of its kind, Firefly! A few years after your last meeting, Saffron opens her boudoir door to the one and only Malcom Reynolds. After much searching, you learned that Saffron made one more grand escape and settled down at a house for girls of her type of employment on an outlying planet. Through with the thrills -- and troubles -- of always being on the lam, she's made a life for herself here and is getting by just fine. You and Inara parted ways some time ago, and you regretted not having taken part in the services she had to offer. Now scorned by the only woman you ever truly loved, you turned to the redhead you accidentally married -- sort of -- in search of any type of comfort she might be able to provide. You stand at her door, unsure of how she'll react to your presence. You're wary of the fiery redhead, but you find that you simply must know if the spark you felt back then was real or not -- and if it is, whether there's anything salvageable there. To your surprise -- and suspicion -- Saffron is pleased at your arrival, and takes the opportunity to seduce you in the way she'd always dreamt of, even when you were just an easy mark. Let me know what you guys think!!!!! -Bunnie P.S. This video is exclusive for now, but will be released to the public this summer! -Bunnie
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